Dec/Jan ON AIR is out now

In the bumper December/January issue of ON AIR magazine, we are thrilled to mark the commencement of our 50th anniversary celebrations with a special new logo on the cover. We feature a potted history of our station’s humble beginnings and its significant role as the first radio station in Victoria to broadcast on the FM band—all the way to its current place as an essential part of Melbourne’s cultural landscape.

Plus, we also feature an interview with baritone Bailey Montgomerie, winner of The Talent Season 2, and bring you a host of summer listening highlights to keep you entertained over the holiday period.

ON AIR is the subscriber magazine of the station you love to listen to! Subscribe to 3MBS and you’ll receive eleven issues delivered straight to your inbox or letterbox over the year. Every issue features news from around the performing arts scene, sneak previews of upcoming broadcasts—and more. Test your musical knowledge with trivia penned by our beloved presenters and use our monthly list of musical works to make sure you never miss your favourite symphony! Available in print and digital format, ON AIR magazine brings you a month of wonderful reading from Melbourne’s home of classical music.
